




Name: unnamed
Species: Dragon Turtle
Birthday: Friday, January 27, 2012

This egg is perfectly round, and a fin has emerged from it.


Dragon turtles are giant creatures, prone to violent behaviors. Scholars believe their ferocious temperaments are due to their strength and energy, since dragon turtles are bursting with power. This power is not so much a blessing as a curse, leaving them constantly in motion and on edge. It is best not to startle a dragon turtle, and to slowly back away from any wild one. When roused, their anger is terrible to witness, and if they cannot release their energy, the dragon turtle will have to swim until exhausted. This constant need for movement is directly linked with their magical powers. Dragon turtles possess the unique and promising ability to change both waves and sun rays into magical energy. Not only does this make it so that dragon turtles hardly need to sleep, but it also allows them to swim rapidly and live most of the year without eating. Dragon turtles take advantage of this by finding desolate areas in which to live, where food is hard to come by. These companions may chose to live elsewhere if they had the choice, but they must live mostly solitary lives. This is because any group of dragon turtles will soon be at each others throats, and only many deaths would halt the violence. It is not surprising that dragon turtles make difficult companions, and are becoming more and more rare with each passing year. Still, those who have become enamored with these aquatic creatures have spent much time helping train new hatchlings, teaching them to be more peaceful. This group is also inspired by the dragon turtles strange and useful magic, and a few magi have tried to replicate it. So far, a new spell has created hot water throughout the year, without the need of warming it with fire. What other discoveries will be found are not known, but are eagerly anticipated.

Hatchlings are known to be rambunctious creatures, always busy exploring or playing. Dragon turtle hatchlings make other young companions look calm by comparison. These large reptiles are constantly attacking one another, ramming heads together and locking claws. Sometimes an older dragon turtle will have to step in and break up a fight. For anyone who watches long enough, there is a careful social order determined by these games. The victor of a battle will only enjoy their victory momentarily, because before long another hatchling will have attacked them. These little companions will continue these battles well until the sun is set, and then drift apart, sometimes sleeping a bit. It is uncommon to witness a dragon turtle hatchling grow tired, but when one does, it will drag itself up onto a rock or log, and bath in the sun. If there is no sunlight to be had, the dragon turtle will leave the lake to find some waves to take energy from. Before long the little one is rejuvenated and ready to rejoin the many mock wars once again. Any magi who is bonding with a dragon turtle should take care to teach it to be gentle, lest it playfully inflict a human with a wound.

Though a young dragon turtle may be momentarily mistaken for an ordinary turtle, there is no doubt that this adult is a different creature. Some claim these beings were created by a magi who dearly loved both turtles and dragons, and wished to combine the two to make the perfect companion. The tale goes on, as most do, to tell that the magi failed, and instead created beasts filled with rage. These companions roam all waters, far to the north and even beyond the south. Dragon turtles tend to remain in the same areas, though. Their colors mark the areas where they have chosen to live. Dragon turtles come in a trinity of colors: the emeralds, with their bright green colors and light blue markings, tend to remain in warmer climates, near The Keep. The copper dragon turtles possess yellow highlights, and can be found far the south, where the heat does not bother them but fills them with energy. The ruby dragon turtles, with their light blue markings, can be found to the north, where they pay no mind to the stinging cold. The bright scales that cover them do not serve as camouflage, for they have no need of it. They have no enemies, as their scales are not easily penetrated and dragon turtles are not known for their gentle natures. Though they live in water, the peaceful magi who chose to study the water do not care much for these creatures. Instead, the magi who chose these creatures as companions are generally headstrong people, more interested in a creature's strength than its kindness.


Egg→Hatchling→Adult (Male)
Name: unnamed
Species: Abeoth Frog
Birthday: Monday, March 23, 2015

You hold the translucent egg, a different shape than any you've seen before. 


With the ability to change color at will, these small amphibians are almost impossible to spot in their natural environment. Depending on the time of the day, they shift through different bright colors to ward off predators and camouflage themselves. When threatened in the wild, they can secrete a powerful poison, and most creatures know not to approach them. Their toxins are powerful ingredients in potions, and are almost completely undetectable. A small vial of this venom will make a hefty price in any city, although magi have ruled it unethical to sell. Handled by its magi, such a creature will never release its poison unintentionally; it has complete control over the magical liquid. When raised in The Keep, Abeoth frogs make useful companions, changing their color to explore dangerous places undetected, or even spying on an enemy.

Out of this shell has hatched a small tadpole, brightly colored and covered in dark marks. It is a beautiful color, and you return to the Stream in search of more of these eggs. As you reach the water, you see more of the same type, and several magi students your age lifting them out. You watch eggs drifting down the water for a while, and then return to your small hatchling. You make sure the rest of your creatures are comfortable before turning your attention to the tadpole. You stop moving, perplexed - has someone taken your little one and replaced it with a different one? In the same bowl is a newborn, but a different color than the one that just a few hours ago hatched. As you watch, its color slowly changes, and you realize it is indeed the same youngling, and you have learned of one of its powers.

With brilliant colors, Abeoth frogs can be virtually any hue, but generally change only several times during the day. Usually based on the color of the sun, they are most often red, yellow, green or blue. Unlike most amphibians, they are highly intelligent and care for their young for many months. In The Keep's gardens, a magi can sometimes spot one of these frogs, if they look closely. Clinging to a brightly colored leaf, a frog will match the bright petals perfectly, and fade to a dark green as it continues on its way down a leaf. Small enough to fit in a magi's hand, they enjoy traveling to warm climates, happily clinging to a shoulder. During classes, a little Abeoth frog can be seen peeking from at least one student's robes, turning the same color as the garment in hope of not being detected.


Name: unnamed
Species: Xand Bear
Birthday: Monday, March 23, 2015

This black and white egg has strange markings, unlike any you've seen.


Xand bears are strange creatures that came from lands unknown. They are different from the black and brown bears that are native to this land, and have strong magical abilities. Some claim these animals came from across the widest waters, but no one has yet ventured that far. What is known is that these rare creatures possess incredibly valuable skills, and are gentle, sweet companions. They are black and white in color, with odd markings on their eyes and ears. Xand bears are known to be the most gentle and lethargic of companions. They control earth powers, and are able to make rare herbs and plants grow at will. Most of the time they just eat these, but the leaves and roots are incredibly potent if used in spells. Magi who are focused on studies of potions would do well to make one of these gentle animals a companion.

Most of this hatchling's day is spent roaming and feeding, although it doesn't seem to travel all that much. It's perfectly content to sit and eat everything it can reach, as it is now. Its coat, black and white, is amazingly soft to the touch, and dark eyes peer out from a mask shaped marking. This xand cub is sweet and gentle, and has taken to be carried around on your back. At the rate that it's growing, however, this activity will have to stop soon. This hatchling has plenty of playmates, though; xand cubs love wrestling with each other, and when weary they rest. It's not uncommon to see three or four of these younglings sleeping on one another in a large pile.

On your way back from the Stream, you pause and examine a tree. Sitting on a low branch is a xand bear, seemingly smiling at you. It is slowly eating all the berries off of the tree, which you know to be useful in potions. You frown and place your hands on your hips, shaking your head. The black and white bear regards you humorously for a moment, considering your unspoken request for it to stop eating these rare berries. The large xand bear slowly lumbers down, looking not in the slightest regretful. As you watch it clamber down, you almost miss seeing a quick movement at the foot of the tree. Bending down, you look on as incredibly rare herbs grow before your eyes, apparently an apology from the bear. Not looking very repentant, the xand bear reaches for one, plucks it, and deposits it in its mouth. You shoo it away, giving it a harsh look. These plants are extremely potent, even more so because it's difficult to get them before they're eaten.


Egg→Hatchling→Adult (Female)
Name: unnamed
Species: Taijitu Beetle
Birthday: Monday, March 23, 2015

This black and white egg has interesting markings.


The castle is a busy place, inside and out. It's full of rushing people and creatures, hatchlings playing, and the occasional market stall. In the uproar, smaller animals can sometimes be overlooked, like the taijitu beetles. These little companions make sure to stay out of the way, and are usually found in quiet places, like the libraries or gardens. Though they are not usually seen, taijitu beetles are still powerful companions, and many seek them out. They are peaceful bugs, conducting their lives without worry. They are well known to be the most serene companions, and it seems at times that nothing can bother them. If a magi is feeling particularly stressed, one of these beetles will go to them and offer their company. Taijitu beetles have a calming presence, and before long those nearby feel soothed. This power works not only on people, but on other animals as well. These beetles are able to control how they make others feel, and can use it as a weapon if need be. Because of their magic, taijitu beetles have no fear of being attacked, despite being so small. Any creature that attacks one of these beetles instantly become quite lazy and drowsy, unable to do harm. Although it is thought that these companions could easily kill their enemies, they abhor violence and are very peaceful. Their way of life is greatly admired, and many people have actually dedicated their lives to trying to be more like these beetles.

Other hatchlings like to play and explore, but this is not the case with these companions. Young taijitu beetles are perfectly content to just find a leaf to sleep under. The occasional book or scroll will do just as well, and they are so small no one notices them. These beetles wake when hungry, eat, and promptly go back to napping. When a magi visits their beetle hatchling, it's amusing to see the influence the beetle has on them. Usually, the human will slowly drift off to sleep, despite their efforts to stay awake. Many a person has awoken abruptly in the garden, wondering how long they have been there.

Taijitu beetles don't grow much as they age, but their appearances do change. Hatchlings are smaller and less vibrantly colored than adults, lacking their hard shells. As these companions age and change, so do their powers. While hatchlings only have power over sleep, adult taijitu beetles possess many different skills. Everyone knows these beetles are famous for helping people to relax, but they offer their help for other reasons, too. Those who are angry will find themselves not only soothed, but figuring out how to solve their problems. People worried about gold or not having enough time will find themselves understanding how to attain their goals. Magi who have one of these beetles as a companion are generally more happy and carefree than others. They are wonderful creatures, as long as one can make it through the perpetual drowsy feeling the hatchlings cause. These companions also become slightly less sleepy as they age, and more likely to make their way up a tree rather than falling asleep under any leaf. It's easy enough to tell the gender of a beetle, as their colors vary. Female taijitu beetles are mostly black, with vibrant silver markings. Males are the opposite, with mostly silver coloring and black designs. These markings are considered to be very beautiful, and have been replicated in artwork throughout the world.


Egg→Hatchling→Adult (Male)
Name: unnamed
Species: Phoenix
Birthday: Tuesday, March 24, 2015

This egg is glowing orange, and is engulfed in flames.


Phoenixes are incredibly hot and bright in color. When a Phoenix dies it is consumed in flames, and a new phoenix egg is left in the ashes. Because of their unique pattern of rebirth, phoenixes live for many centuries, and become extremely wise and ancient. As adults, they are beautiful birds with feathers resembling flames, and are extremely adverse to any cold climates. They have incredible mastery over fire, and on a cold winter night will light a magi's fire with nothing more than a glance.


A baby phoenix has hatched from this egg, orange and red, the colors of fire. Although the egg was burning, the hatchling seems to be safe enough, although it radiates heat. Occasionally it will let out a puff of smoke or shake sparks from its body. Almost constantly hungry, a phoenix hatchling is difficult to keep sated. Worms and beetles seem to make tasty treats, and this youngling spends much of the day hunting through grass for morsels. This baby also has a tendency to crawl into the fire and fall asleep.



This magnificent phoenix has matured to its adult form. Its radiant wings and majestic flight are most impressive. A sharp beak is a powerful tool in battle, yet is typically only used for feeding. Mostly living in extremely hot lands, phoenixes are mostly encountered in deserts and around volcanoes in the far south. Bright orange and red warns other creatures of a phoenix's presence, and in due respect, most animals do not approach. An adult phoenix is a powerful ally, with great power over flame, and a creature you would not wish to face in the wild.


This egg looks like many others, white in color with no strange markings.


Deep within the Raza forest exists a creature that is so strange that people hardly believe it exists. The few people who saw it were not truly believed at first; true, many strange creatures exist, but this one is stranger than most. This animal is so bizarre and unheard of that not many believed it actually existed, but a few did: the magi. Such an unique animal must surely be a companion, and clearly was so, for just a few days after the tales were heard at the castle, a new egg was seen bobbing down the Stream. At first the egg was ignored due to its coloring; with a pale, undecorated shell, it did not seem to be anything special. But someone did take and raise an egg, and were pleasantly surprised when it hatched. Word spread fast of a new companion, and the banks of The Stream were covered with patient magi, waiting to find their own egg. A new companion is always a cause of celebration at The Keep, and these creatures were greeted happily. Their beauty has made them become treasured, ecspecially among those magi who love quetzalcoatls. Ashevors are brilliantly bright creatures, a wondrous melding of snake and bird. Their bodies are long and dark in coloring, but their head is beautifully colored with gorgeous feathers. Soon, everyone in The Keep was aware of the presence of these new companions. The bright crest that winds along its body makes this avian stand out anywhere in the castle, and this companion must have lived in a very colorful place to blend in. Indeed they did, among the thousands of flowers in the Raza jungle, where it feasted upon the many insects available.

When first born, ashevors are very small, smaller than most hatchlings. Unless raised by another ashevor, the little one must be cared for almost constantly, until large enough to fend for itself. When first out of their eggs, they are hardly bigger than a finger's length, though they grow fast. Caring for one means keeping a supply of bugs close by, for they are voracious eaters. They feed upon insects and worms, and are happy to slither up a tree after a bug or two. They spend most of the day above the ground, lazily surveying the land and hunting for insects. You must go out of your way to spend time with them, for as they age, they are less likely to choose your company over others of their kind. Ashevor hatchlings are social creatures who love to play amongst themselves, though the games can become a little too rough at times. Ashevors possess great strength, and can easily strangle and suffocate an enemy with their serpentine bodies. Though taught to be gentle when young, other hatchlings tend to avoid them, strange as they look. But the ashevor hatchlings are perfectly content in the company of the quetzalcoatl hatchlings.

Though ashevor hatchlings are lovely, the adults are truly beautiful. Their plumage thickens as they grow, making them eye catching creatures. Though they do not fly, ashevors love to be high up, and it grows more and more difficult to find your hatchling as it ages. The towers at the top of the castle are ideal perches for them to sunbath on, or the highest branches of a tree. Ashevors are not as adventurous as some of the other companions, and do not venture into the forest often. Even from a young age, they do not like to be alone for long periods of time. They are social creatures and love to wind around each other, forming large piles that are odd to come across. Perhaps it is the serpent in them that causes them to love basking and sleeping in the sun, their dark eyes content. Only a small squwak lets you know they are not all sleeping; at least one is on guard at all times. Your own companion will approach you when it notices you, and attempts to take up its old perch. Once this large ashevor was small enough to spend the day wrapped around your shoulders, but its weight is capable of crushing you now, and you must be more careful now. These companions are more than just beautiful creatures; their powers allow them to distinguish between which flowers have magical properties. Whenever given a selection of flowers and plants to choose from, the ashevor will always wind around the most potent, almost as if the creature was soaking in the power of the plant.


If one didn't know better, they would assume this was simply a vase.


These companions are very friendly, and other animal tend to like them. Their good nature extends to humans, and they can usually be found near human settlements. They seldom travel far from their homes, and avoid forests and mountains altogether. When they do wander, aselises do so through fields and plains, wherever thick grass grows. Aselises primarily eat grass, but have great love for all flowers. Those who cultivate fine gardens must make sure that sturdy fences are in place, lest their flowers all be devoured. Should someone be seeking an exotic flower for a potion, they will certainly find it with the help of an aselis. Feeding an aselis a single flower will make them crave more of the same kind, and the aselis will immediately go in search of that specific flower. The trick is to take some flowers as soon as they are discovered, lest the aselis eat all of them up. These companions hate when their food is taken from them, and will try to step on the culprit's toes. Aselises can walk for many hours before they tire, and can carry great weights. Unlike many other companions, they will offer a ride to just about anyone. They are patient and reliable companions, though they dislike moving quickly. They are remarkably stubborn, and will stop often to munch on blooming flowers. Nothing in the world can move a aselis against its will.

These little ones are almost aggressively friendly, bolting towards any humans they happen to see. Though aselis hatchlings are smaller than other equines, they are still quite heavy, and hatchlings often step on people's feet. Should a young aselis become grumpy, it will slump onto the ground and begin braying incessantly. This is not a pleasant noise, and it can be heard through even the thickest walls. The fastest and most effective way to placate a loud aselis hatchling is to feed it some delectable flowers.

 If one hears an awful braying sound, it's undoubtedly an aselis. They can produce sounds that can be heard from quite far away, and not considered very melodic. These brays are the primary way these companions communicate with one another. Aselises will also twitch their tails and ears in specific ways, as well. Young aselises are particularly bad at communication, and just begin braying when they need anything. Hatchings are cared for collectively, as these companions have no social hierarchy. Aselises may lead solitary existences, though it's more common to find them in small groups. They are not suited to fighting, but are rarely attacked. Aselises have long ears that give them extraordinary hearing, making it very difficult to sneak up on them. Their best defenses are their hooves, which are well suited for kicking. A blow delivered from an aselises's hind legs can easily shatter bone. Aselises will also bite if angered, and can do quite a bit of damage. It's more typical for these passive creatures to simply flee, however. Aselises have been around for many, many centuries. No one is sure just how long, as they seem to have existed before written word. For countless years these companions were overlooked, and no one considered them to be magical. They could be found in nearly any village, where they were used for transporting goods and for farm work.

A pair of glistening black wings grace this dark shell.


At sunset, you can sometimes crane your neck and see a dark sparkle in the sky. If exceptionally lucky, you'll see a winged creature threading through evening clouds. Dark pegasi live high in mountains, and are nocturnal and suspicious of all humans.

 This foal has a gorgeous pair of wings tucked closely to its sides. When extended, they glisten darkly in the moonlight. Pegasi younglings enjoy taking running leaps while playing, extending dark wings in their first attempts at flight. Their coats are extremely soft and of the purest black, and the feathers on their wings glisten when the moonlight hits them. Possessing more strength and being larger than most horses, this hatchling will make a great steed when it matures, carrying its magi high above the clouds.

 A beautiful pair of feathered wings grace this equine. With a pure black coat, pegasi are nearly invisible when flying in clouds, making them ideal for journeys of secret natures. Capable of long flights, even with a rider, this pegasus makes a powerful steed, and journeying to high up mountain tops in search of exotic eggs is much faster without a long trek on foot. Pegasi live in close proximity to unicorns in the Silva Forest, forced to hide from those who would harm them. Wary by nature and extremely agile, a magi can only be graced with one of their offspring if they are deemed worthy, honorable and kind.

These two eggs shake violently when separated.

Although these birds can be seen fluttering all over the castle and it's surroundings lands, agaori birds prefer warmer climates. They are native to the rain forest, and most of them choose to return there every winter. When bright flocks of these birds begin to return to the castle, it is a sure sign that winter's grip is loosening. Agaori birds are highly social, and are very rarely seen by themselves. They move in large groups of either two twins, or four bonded birds. Should mated agaori ever be separated, they will search the world over for the other, becoming withdrawn and more solitary if their search is unsuccessful. In such circumstances, the other birds become more friendly towards these single agaori birds, including them in grooming activities and giving them hatchlings to watch over. These companions possess the ability to transfer their own emotions to other living creatures. They use this gift often to lift people's spirits, and stir thoughts of love. Should an agaori gift a human with one of their feathers, the human will feel an instant pull that is impossible to ignore. These humans often leave their homes to go on grand adventures, and return with a love that they discovered on their travels. These couples are considered to be tied together by fate, and never seem to experience the same arguments or separations as others might.

These little ones are born in pairs. They are cheeky young hatchlings, flitting about the castle curiously. Despite everyone's best efforts, no one can keep them out of the quieter rooms, such as classrooms or the libraries. Somehow, a window is always left open somewhere, allowing these curious birds entry. Agaori will play with any human or creature who is willing, be it a dragon or a small mouse.They persuade other creatures to share in their play by transferring their own emotions to them. Even the most regal, sad, or violent creatures will join in a romp when the agaori want them to.

 Agaori birds are most easily recognizable due to their methods of travel. There are usually a hundred or more of them grouped together, and the birds are paired off in twos of fours within the group. These are highly social companions, and are extremely sweet towards one another. Pairs born together have deep bonds, and are almost always cuddling. There are no notable differences between males and females, and tasks are shared evenly between the two. These companions come in a wide array of colors, from bright yellow to green to blue. They match the flowers and plants of the Razan forest. Though some agaori birds will remain at the castle throughout the year, most leave for their homelands when the winter winds begin their approach. In the humid rain forest, bugs and seeds are plentiful year round, and the wild agaori birds welcome these companions happily. Should any of these companions choose wild mates, they will remain in the Razan forest for life, and their magi must travel to them if they have need. These creatures bond easily to their magi, and can be taught many things. Though these companions cannot master human tongue, they are capable of learning hundreds of words. They can mimic human speech quite well, although they do not always use it for good. Agaori hatchlings will chant 'treat, treat, treat' almost endlessly, and even grown agaori will land on food and declare 'mine'. Should their demands not be met, the bird will project their feelings to get whatever they desire. Many an unreasonable action has been blamed on agaori, and magi must be very guarded around them. On the other hand, having many of these birds at a social event can cause quite the festive party. It is important to note that their powers dim the farther away from their twins they are.


Egg→Hatchling→Adult (Female)
Name: unnamed
Species:Malachite Synaran Aericorn Phoenix
Birthday: Friday, March 27, 2015

This egg has a golden horn and swirls on the shell.


While they are most commonly found in Synara, aericorns are actually native to the jungles of Raza, where their bright colors help them hide among the vines and flowers of the rainforest. Their survival depends on their camouflage, as aericorns are clumsy flyers and even worse runners. This is mostly because they will never expend an ounce of effort if they do not have to. Unlike other free ranging equines, aericorns have no need to migrate or even to move. They can simply summon the growth of whatever food they desire straight from the ground with their power, and they can do it within seconds. Even in captivity, they will eat only food that they grew using their powers. They glean all the moisture they need from the sweet fruits and nectars they grow and eat, so finding water is similarly unnecessary. In the wild they travel only to find mates or to find a suitable spot to give birth. Their lack of movement sometimes results in moss growing upon their legs and tails, and makes them ill-suited to physical activity. Unfortunately for these creatures, their lifestyle makes them easy prey for the dangerous carnivores in the Razan jungles, thinning their numbers to the point that for a very long time they were considered a myth. However, once magi found them and they became desirable as pets and novelties within the city of Synara, their population exploded. Wild aericorns are still found in the jungles, but they are exceedingly rare. Breeders in Synara have cultivated three primary breeds of these creatures, with the pink and purple colorations being in highest demand.

Due to their beautiful coloring, these creatures are immensely popular with the high lords and ladies of Synara. There are even shows once a year where the most beautiful and well-bred aericorns are displayed. Every noble in Synara can claim ownership of at least one of these creatures, and they can usually be found sunning themselves in the lush gardens and parks of the city. At times citizens will attempt to hitch one to a cart to pull it, but aericorns will refuse to move, and will actually lie down if anyone attempts to ride them. The only attention they will tolerate is grooming or petting, for which they show their appreciation by slow swishes of their tails and light nuzzles. Their wings are beautiful and will support short flights, but the only time these creatures spread their wings will be to fly to find a better place to bask in the sun or for grooming. Everyone encourages aericorns to stay in their yards or lawns, as they create vibrant, healthy plant growth wherever they go. Depending on the creature's appetites, they will sometimes call up incredibly rare or sweet-smelling plants that their owners can enjoy or study, and they are popular among magi who study botany. However, the plant will be gone soon enough when the aericorn eats it.


Egg→Hatchling→Adult (Male)
Name: unnamed
Species: Black Winged Cat
Birthday: Saturday, March 28, 2015

How strange; white wings and a tail are coming out of this egg.


As graceful in flight as when walking, winged cats are stately beings, full of self-importance and pride. They are the favorite pets of the high ladies of Synara, free to roam where they will and treated with the utmost respect. The felines of Etain are their distant cousins, and they spend much of their time together, watching the kittens at play and hunting for small game. Winged cats are often seen on the roof of The Keep, sunning themselves sleepily, motionless except for a twitch of their tails now and then.

Playful as any kitten, winged cats are extremely difficult to keep an eye on. Their white wings, oversized for their small bodies, are already useful in flight. You never know when a small, furry object will hurl itself at your head. Walking down the well worn path to the lake, you see a group of students laughing; a mischievous little black kitten has decided to attack a gryphon, batting its head and hovering just out of reach. The gryphon adult is taking this with good humor, avoiding the attacks patiently until you've caught the naughty feline.

You're not sure if this is an egg, or just a lump of snow.


Silvan otters are friendly, affectionate companions who love to be social - the bigger the group, the better. In the wild they often roam in large family groups, and they are very welcoming to not only other members of their species, but also to any other creature that doesn't try to eat them. When it comes to escaping predators, silvan otters have the advantage of the colour of their coat, which is brown in the warmer months and white in the winter months. No matter what the time of year, they have the ability to create objects out of snow, and will often animate them as playmates. Silvan otters have a special affinity for snow dragons, who they have day-long snowball fights with, and for butterflies, which they never tire of chasing.

Silvan otter hatchlings demand attention almost from the second they hatch from their eggs, and magi are advised to raise two or more of them together. A hatchling left alone for long periods of time will become depressed, but happy hatchlings delight in playing pranks on each other and on any magi in range. Most hatchlings are unable to create the intricate toys that adults can, but they love to roll up great balls of snow that they can then lie across, especially in the hot summer months. As they get older, their creations and pranks get more sophisticated, but they're so adorable that most magi can't stay annoyed for very long.

Adult silvan otters are a little more independent than hatchlings, but they still need daily interaction and will do best when allowed to spend time with their magi, family members, or even other tolerant creatures. Mischievous and playful, they use their snow powers to play pranks on their magi or create their own companions, many of which are so lifelike that magi have been fooled into thinking they've discovered a new creature. Although silvan otters sometimes look like they're made of snow, especially in the winter months, their fur is soft and thick, keeping them warm even when they dive into snowbanks or half-frozen water. They are excellent parents to their hatchlings and always seem to sense when their magi is having a bad day, temporarily putting their mischief on hold to come and cuddle.

This green egg is resting in a skull.


Originating from the Silva Forest, murders of these dark birds are quite common. Yatagarasu and coraxes avoid one another, even going so far as to inhabit different regions of the forest, with yatagarasu almost exclusively living in the deeper interior of the forest. Coraxes are the more common and more widespread, having been seen everywhere from the far southern jungles and deserts to further north than Synara City. They are diurnal and not picky; being scavengers, they are skilled at both finding and eating nearly anything. These green birds are also commonly seen at sites where tragedy has recently occurred, leading to beliefs that they are harbingers of doom. More crepuscular than coraxes, the larger and blue-plumaged yatagarasu have long been regarded as wise, guiding figures. A curious number of old tales seem to imply that they can even tell the future. Yatagarasu are often finicky eaters, selecting the finest foods to eat; companions of magi are known to be notoriously picky. As a result they are less widespread, preferring to remain in or near cities or in their native home in the Silva Forest.

Although their fluffy down feathers make them seem harmless, these hatchlings are still equipped with powerful beaks and will not hesitate to bite and peck at potential threats. They will also hurt each other, so magi must be careful to separate the chicks. Green-feathered corax hatchlings are loud, calling multiple times for food throughout the day, whereas the blue yatagarasu hatchlings are much quieter and prefer spending more time dozing and observing their surroundings. Shiny things and bones will mesmerize both for hours, so many magi who care for these birds will carry some of those objects with them to appease their companion.

Most magi avoid coraxes. They are peculiar birds with a penchant for bones, often found perching on skulls. Coraxes will sit for hours and simply observe their surroundings with intelligent, sharp eyes, unnerving magi not used to seeing them. Although very loud and obnoxious as a hatchling, an adult corax is largely silent, only cawing when it needs its magi or as an alert to other coraxes. They congregate in large murders that roam far and wide, and seem to have no qualms about spending days away from their magi at a time. Coraxes tend to get into fights and many often end up with tattered and broken feathers until their next molt, although this doesn't seem to impede their flight or bother them very much.

A tail and webbed wing can be seen poking out of this egg.


Traveling deep in the jungle, you catch a glimpse of an unnaturally large lion. Hiding behind a screen of vines, you watch as this huge feline pads on soft feet to a river for a drink. You stare with amazement as giant, bat-like wings extend from its back and its powerful form bends down to reach the water. Dark and webbed, these bestial wings look capable of carrying the lion in flight, and are quite unlike anything you've seen on a creature from The Keep. How such an animal came to exist, you don't know, but you can't miss the chance to follow this animal in the hope of finding a rare egg to steal away.

Your feline hatchling coils its hind legs, ready to execute a powerful leap and attack a wavering blade of grass. Mid pounce, dark wings open and hold the small cub in the air, wind keeping it lifted in a short flight. Victorious with the tuft of grass between its sharp teeth, the baby lion makes its way over. Green eyes stare back at you as it pads up to you with its prize, purring softly. Sweet as any kitten, this baby is soft and playful, but sharp teeth can pierce skin, and its claws seem to grow with each passing day. Soon your tiny hatchling will become fully grown.

Manticores possess the bodies of huge lions, with bat-like wings that aid their flight. Adding to their already remarkable prowess as hunters, these wings allow manticores to chase prey among the top of trees as well as along the forest floor. Swift and heavily muscled, most of their time is spent on the ground, where they run with wings tightly pressed to their backs, traveling just as fast as they do in flight. Equally content to travel during the day and night, these felines protect their masters intensely, although they don't mind the occasional nap by your bed.

This egg has two small wings protruding from the shell.


Gryphons are noble and majestic creatures, and their eggs are not often come by. Gryphons nest high in mountains, and protect their young fiercely. If an egg is acquired, it was through permission and not theft. These creatures live for hundreds of years, and are wise, powerful beings. If a master is kind and loving enough, a gryphon may even allow them to ride it.

This young gryphon has brown wings and a sand-colored body. It is already beginning to fly short distances, and makes screeching sounds when approached too quickly. Becoming more muscled with each passing day, it consumes rather a lot of meat, although now it has become used to hunting on its own, disappearing for long hours and returning sated. This youngling has its first tail feathers and small talons, and already is trying to copy its elders, taking small hops and extending its wings.

 Your pet has matured into a ferocious, incredibly powerful adult. With thick talons extending for several inches, an iron-like beak, and an impressive wingspan, this is a very formidable beast. It hunts for deer and other large game, as well as anything that threatens its territory. Gryphons love to play with each other, seeing who can fly the farthest, and other harmless entertainments. This fully grown gryphon is now strong enough to carry you as it flies, provided you are kind enough.

Two odd blue wings have escaped from this white egg.


Though hydras are not usually seen near the castle, they are hard to miss when they do venture near. In place of a single head, they have five, each sentient and dangerous. It’s best to remain at a distance if one is not familiar with their moods. Hydras are volatile companions, and their moods can shift abruptly. This would not be such a difficulty, except hydras have powerful elemental magics. There are five variations of hydras, each with their own skills. Some are able to call storms down from the sky, while others can conjure fire from thin air. Though other companions tend to be chosen by magi with similar skills, hydras are more random. A magi known for their peaceful ways may have a fire hydra, or vice versa. Though these companions can be found throughout the world, but not typically near human settlements. Hydras aren’t very social, preferring their own company. They favor caves near water, but are not territorial and wander at will.

These hatchlings can be quite difficult to handle, depending on their moods. Sometimes they will remain asleep for an entire day, and can be moved about quite easily. At other times, they are bursting with energy. When they feel feisty, their five heads snap at anything that moves, making it necessary to wear thick clothes when around them. Hydra hatchlings are ravenous little creatures, and tear apart melons as readily as rabbits.

These two eggs shake violently when separated.


Although these birds can be seen fluttering all over the castle and it's surroundings lands, agaori birds prefer warmer climates. They are native to the rain forest, and most of them choose to return there every winter. When bright flocks of these birds begin to return to the castle, it is a sure sign that winter's grip is loosening. Agaori birds are highly social, and are very rarely seen by themselves. They move in large groups of either two twins, or four bonded birds. Should mated agaori ever be separated, they will search the world over for the other, becoming withdrawn and more solitary if their search is unsuccessful. In such circumstances, the other birds become more friendly towards these single agaori birds, including them in grooming activities and giving them hatchlings to watch over. These companions possess the ability to transfer their own emotions to other living creatures. They use this gift often to lift people's spirits, and stir thoughts of love. Should an agaori gift a human with one of their feathers, the human will feel an instant pull that is impossible to ignore. These humans often leave their homes to go on grand adventures, and return with a love that they discovered on their travels. These couples are considered to be tied together by fate, and never seem to experience the same arguments or separations as others might.

These little ones are born in pairs. They are cheeky young hatchlings, flitting about the castle curiously. Despite everyone's best efforts, no one can keep them out of the quieter rooms, such as classrooms or the libraries. Somehow, a window is always left open somewhere, allowing these curious birds entry. Agaori will play with any human or creature who is willing, be it a dragon or a small mouse.They persuade other creatures to share in their play by transferring their own emotions to them. Even the most regal, sad, or violent creatures will join in a romp when the agaori want them to.

A gently moving blue fin is emerging from this blue egg.


Though hydras are not usually seen near the castle, they are hard to miss when they do venture near. In place of a single head, they have five, each sentient and dangerous. It’s best to remain at a distance if one is not familiar with their moods. Hydras are volatile companions, and their moods can shift abruptly. This would not be such a difficulty, except hydras have powerful elemental magics. There are five variations of hydras, each with their own skills. Some are able to call storms down from the sky, while others can conjure fire from thin air. Though other companions tend to be chosen by magi with similar skills, hydras are more random. A magi known for their peaceful ways may have a fire hydra, or vice versa. Though these companions can be found throughout the world, but not typically near human settlements. Hydras aren’t very social, preferring their own company. They favor caves near water, but are not territorial and wander at will.

These hatchlings can be quite difficult to handle, depending on their moods. Sometimes they will remain asleep for an entire day, and can be moved about quite easily. At other times, they are bursting with energy. When they feel feisty, their five heads snap at anything that moves, making it necessary to wear thick clothes when around them. Hydra hatchlings are ravenous little creatures, and tear apart melons as readily as rabbits.


The colors on this egg are actually layers of a sweet, edible coating, carefully built up and deposited by the adults so that their young will have a ready meal upon first hatching.


Vernox dragons discovered themselves; one fine spring dawn they turned up at the Keep via the eastern sarvain tunnel complexes, carrying lots of their own eggs and presenting them proudly to various magi, who subsequently found themselves adopted by these curious vaguely rabbit-like dragons. Friendly and sociable, these dragons have great magic with eggs of all species, and are an enormous boon to magi who are on nest hunts. Their whiskers somehow sense the proximity to viable clutches, and although they are always side-tracked by the alluring prospect of dismot nests, they can be trained to seek out eggs of any species the magi wishes. They spend most of their time tunnelling beneath the Keep, locating all the nests in the vicinity.

Although these hatchlings are undoubtedly draconic, they have a number of lapin qualities. They bound around the keep in joyous leaps, have a tendency to denude the kitchen gardens of all the tender young shoots, and will sit up on their hind legs, ears twitching inquisitively, whenever curious about something they come across. Their favourite game is playing hide-and-seek, and when not otherwise required by their magi, they will invariably be found at this pursuit.

This egg is a plain white, and smooth to the touch.


At any given time, ten or so dismots are wandering around the castle. These companions move in flocks and go anywhere they please. They are extremely vain birds, with much of their time dedicated to preening. Truthfully, they have beautiful plumage, but their attitudes can be a bit much at times. To add to this, dismots are not afraid of any animal. They'll even wander in front of dragons, giving them a disdainful glance as they pass by. It's not hard to befriend a dismot. Kind words will attract their attention, as well as treats. Their diets consist of insects and seeds, their favorite of which is corn. Dismots will flock over to anyone with corn, flapping their wings excitedly and cackling loudly. It is fortunate that these birds are too small to do any damage, though no doubt they would if they could. As it is, they can give a mean peck, and fly into people's faces. Though they have large wings, dismots are not skilled fliers. They take to their air only for fun, and very rarely. They cannot fly very high, but they have no need to. Every animal knows better than to attack a dismot, for they have the irritating tendency to come back to life and harass their attacker forever. This unique magic is ultimately rather useless, as dismots are not good in battle, and do not care for adventuring. Interestingly enough, dismots will still die of old age.


This egg burns with a cool white flame.


Gamilara phoenixes are found on almost all the islands that form the Candle archipelago. They are treasured by the people of the islands for their uniquely powerful song spells: A gamilara may bestow strong luck upon the individual of its choosing. Each village is home to flocks of the intelligent and talkative birds, and taking care of them is a prized honor among the village children. From the time they hatch, gamilaras will spend most hours of their day studying the songs of their parents and other adult birds in the flock. These songs are crafted by the phoenixes to bring luck upon the village and the island. Gamilara phoenixes have a rather keen sense of the dramatic as well, and will often fly out to a favorite sailor's ship to engage in a long debate about how the sailor has been ignoring the bird for the last several days. Once the gamilara feels it has been spoiled and fussed over enough to make up for the supposed slight, it will take its leave, trilling a song of extra luck as it goes.


Your gamilara phoenix is possibly the most destructively curious bird you have ever encountered. Anything it sees it immediately hops over to investigate, usually leaving a trail of sparks and small scorch marks in it's wake. You can't say its song is the most beautiful you've ever heard, as so far your hatchling has been having more fun mimicking all the swears you let slip when you found the remains of your favorite card game. Still, you enjoy the little song it trills to you as you feed it small pieces of fruit, and maybe it's just coincidence that when you find and return an expensive amulet to it's rightful owner you are rewarded with enough gold to replace your game with a bit left over. It certainly can't hurt to buy your gamilara hatchling a few toys made especially for it.


This egg is covered in flickering flames.


Pesadelos are shrouded in legends. The oldest tales speak of fiery horses who will give people rides to the underworld, and only those near death could see them. If a healthy person saw a Pesadelo and no one nearby was old or ill, the horse would choose that person as a victim and torture them with nightmares until the person died of fright. As a result, people often report sightings of this creature to the Keep, begging the magi to rid their village of the cursed horse of death. However, despite the legends, the Pesadelo typically wants little to do with humanity. They tend to stay near cemeteries, which is likely what engendered the legends, and the shine of their blue and green flames at night will make a person look sickly and cadaverous. But magi have established that they do not kill with nightmares, nor have they ever harmed humans of their own volition. However, they do consume meat, and some say that the preferred food of a wild Pesadelo is rotting flesh and bone.


Pesadelo hatchlings are not social creatures, and prefer to run and explore on their own. Magi are hard pressed to tame them, and many have failed. If a magi cannot win the respect of their pesadelo hatchling before the creature's first birthday, the hatchling will run off, never to be seen again by their one-time magi. The hatchlings do not make this process easy, either. They will give their magi unsettling dreams, said by some to be advice or guidance, and by others to be merely cruel 

This small egg tends to sink through the top of your sock drawer if you leave it there for too long.

The tsaanguiri are adaptable creatures partial to arid habitats, and can be found in habitats ranging from volcanic deserts to open woodlands. Tsaanguiri belong a very old group of animals whose fossils date back to a time when the continents were fused into a single land mass. They are thought to share a common ancestor with birds and dragons, and tsaanguiri boast many features found in both groups. Their own wings, though vestigial and useless for flight, can be used in intricate courtship displays, where the males raise and lower their flowing frills while waving their wings to impress females. The features for which tsaanguiri are best-known - their sickle-shaped rear claws and their ability to phase through any material - are used for hunting. These intelligent creatures often work in teams to chase larger animals, drawing them into an area with overhanging rocks or trees, which other tsaanguiri will phase through to drop onto the unsuspecting animal. They then dig their claws into the prey and use their weight to pin it down, sometimes with all of the pack members piling on to help. The social structure of the tsaanguiri is not fully understood, but they seem to have good memories and keep in contact with their own pack members as well as other packs through sharp, piercing cries.

Newly-hatched tsaanguiri are no larger than ducklings, though they are far more devious. Their natural instinct is to flock with other hatchlings, a useful defense in the deserts and woodlands where they normally live. In the Keep, packs of dozens of small tsaanguiri may be seen wandering the halls, and occasionally interrupt classes when they choose to materialize through the doors or walls. Despite valiant efforts by instructors, no known substance or spell can stop the march of a determined group of fluffy tsaanguiri, though offerings of crickets and other insects may coax them off in another direction. At this size, they are not yet able to catch anything larger than an unfortunate earthworm, so the hatchlings rely on adult tsaanguiri or students to feed them. Even at a young age, the dexterity and balance of these creatures is well-developed, and they can be easily trained to perch on one's shoulder or climb into a pocket. The hatchlings learn quickly, and grow easily bored, so keeping them entertained is a constant task for any magi trying to care for one.

jokes. Touching the hatchling in their first year of life will always result in a burn, and they will never take a halter. However, if one does impress their pesadelo hatchling by being fearless and authoritative, they will have a powerful companion.


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