

EggHatchling→Adult (Female)
Name: unnamed
Species: Winged Cat
Birthday: Friday, January 27, 2012


How strange; cream-colored wings and a tail are coming out of this egg.Loading...




As graceful in flight as when walking, winged cats are stately beings, full of self-importance and pride. They are the favorite pets of the high ladies of Synara, free to roam where they will and treated with the utmost respect. The felines of Etain are their distant cousins, and they spend much of their time together, watching the kittens at play and hunting for small game. Winged cats are often seen on the roof of The Keep, sunning themselves sleepily, motionless except for a twitch of their tails now and then.


走路如飛行般優雅,翼貓是一種莊嚴的存在,充滿自信與驕傲。在Synara,翼貓是地位崇高的女士最喜歡的寵物,在那裡,翼貓能夠隨意的漫步並獲得莫大的尊重。在Etain的貓是她們的遠親,她們花很多時間在一起看著小貓玩耍以及模擬狩獵。翼貓經常在The Keep(堡壘)的屋頂上,一動也不動地曬著太陽午睡,偶爾尾巴會搖晃。


Playful as any kitten, winged cats are extremely difficult to keep an eye on. Their cream wings, oversized for their small bodies, are already useful in flight. You never know when a small, furry object will hurl itself at your head. Walking down the well worn path to the lake, you see a group of students laughing; a mischievous little white kitten has decided to attack a gryphon, batting its head and hovering just out of reach. The gryphon adult is taking this with good humor, avoiding the attacks patiently.




A beautiful pale cat sits in the ledge of a window, watching the proceedings below with great dignity. Larger than any normal feline, and as intelligent as any magi, it possesses great magic. Those are not the only differences that mark this creatures apart, though; nestled against its back is a pair of creamy wings. These are silken soft to the touch, feathers as smooth as this cat's fur, and the exact same shade of color as the tips on its ears, and the end of its tail. The large feline turns to regard you, eyes, one green and one blue, full of knowledge. It inclines its head for a pat, rubbing a light-colored cheek against your palm before turning to gaze out the window again.





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